08 October 2008

Caption Competition # 6

Are you feeling tired and rundown?

Not getting enough iron in your diet?

Or are merely peeved because I took so long to post a new Caption Competition. Hmmm?

Well wipe those tears away Pretty Lady 'cos the nice man is going to make it all better. Here 'tis.

Simply add a caption for this picture using the comments link below. The Winner receives the respect of their peers plus either the Hello Deli meat platter from David Letterman's The Late Show (skanky cougar platter girls optional) or a drink at some swanky bar on my coin. Your choice.


  1. The Honorable Judge Jeddediah Clydesdale, presiding over a 3rd district Alabama court. The suspect was charged and convicted of aggrevated cow tipping.

    "Let's see how he likes it..."

  2. With apologies to the Beverly Hillbillies...

    "And up through the ground came a bubblin crude.

    Oil that is, Nescafe gold, Texas COFFEE."

  3. ooh what have we got wrapped up in this?

  4. Level 16 Water Restrictions: everyone gets 10 seconds in the communal puddle.

  5. So I says - first one to retrieve me teeth from the dam gets his choice of my daughters...

  6. Proprietor of the Gerung Gerung Pool proudly declares the summer season open with a weekend carnival. Which Wilson will win the fastest lap race?

  7. I said Moses part the red sea.....not Cletus part the brown sea.

  8. The townsfolk of Bred love being in Bred

  9. Love that name Cletus! Nice work Kyran. Competition ends this Thursday people!

  10. As the preacher turned his back on Dave, the crowd gave a collective sigh of disappointment: The intervention had been a failure.

    "Let him learn in his own way." Declared the preacher. "For no amount of LSD is going to make that dam more than two inches deep."


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