07 July 2008

Caption Competition Results and Thanks

Firstly, thank you to all who entered the caption competition. The standard of humour on my blog has certainly been raised as a result of your contributions!

There can be only the one winner and the members of the judging panel, after long and serious contemplation, have decided that the winner of a shoe-box full of kudos and some alcohol is Rob for his Goldfinger inspired caption in honour of that most evil of cat lovers, Auric Goldfinger.

New competitions will be blogged soon.

Here is the picture coupled with the winning caption.

No Mr Bond! I expect you to PRAY!


  1. Methinks Ian Fleming does not like cats - Blofeld is a cat lover as well....

  2. Haha... thanks David! Stiff competition from Benji though... I would have awarded it to him, just quietly! But I'm taking my free drink, so don't get any ideas! lol

  3. I want my drink LOL


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