I was strolling along an abnormally wide and unpopulated city footpath through one of our lush green squares when I was suddenly rear ended by a middle aged man-thing tearing up the footpath (and my legs) in an electronic wheel chair that looked somewhat like this…
His response, clearly and lucidly presented to me, was “ I wish I knew mate.” You and me both Cocko. Like most young men I was raised to believe you should never hit a woman and I must admit at this moment my mind was racing through the back-catalogue of my memory to check if there were similar rules/morals etc regarding the thumping of those in wheelchairs or the like. I refrained.
Did he apologise? No. Was he retarded? Well not in the medical sense of the word. Was he drunk? Not sure – but would it matter? Do the Police breath-test anyone riding those killer-peds? Maybe he was acting out in jealousy in response to my obvious able-bodied status…
Once I gathered myself up and began walking down the still wide and still very, very vacant footpath I noticed he was following me slowly (somewhat like the truck in the film Duel). I stopped, looked at him said, “You know what mate, I reckon I should follow you.” In my head I added “You Fuck-tard.”
On a side note…How is that I, an able-bodied and relatively sane person am not legally permitted to ride a bike on a footpath yet any retard with the spatial awareness and agility of a blind, quadriplegic three-toed sloth can operate a motorized wheelchair on footpaths and in shops etc.
Now that is retarded.