20 April 2010

No swimming

I received an email inviting me to attend a presentation by a professor named Jim Hendry, from Canada who is speaking about clay-rich aquitards.

Is aquitard just another name for someone who cannot swim?


09 April 2010

Yabba Dabba 'I do'

A Flintstones-themed wedding was deemed newsworthy this week. The bride was dressed as Wilma, the groom Fred, and members of the official party and guests dressed as cavemen in honour of the well known 1960's cartoon.

I am not sure if I was more surprised that such a non-event made it on to the news or that someone would willingly associate their special romantic day with such an unromantic theme based on a TV show. If the Flintstones cartoon held some special significance for them, e.g. if their names actually were Fred and Wilma, or the Flintstones saved their lives somehow then it would make it easier for me to appreciate their choice. I would still think was tacky, obviously.
But at least they were not Shrek fans...

No wonder people do not want the 'gays' destroying the sanctity of marriage...they are having too much doing it themselves.

06 April 2010

Coveting Coverture aka Chocolate and U

Just last week I was reading a cooking with chocolate discussion forum in preparation for a clutch of chocolate Easter Eggs I was attempting to create. One lady, a serial poster on this forum, was becoming increasingly vehement each time she posted her comments about the utmost importance of using couveture chocolate for glossy frosting/icing on cakes. She exclusively spelled this word without the first ‘u’ (as many Americans do) i.e. ‘coverture’ which is another word entirely meaning the out-dated legal doctrine that states that the very being or legal existence of a woman is suspended during a marriage, or at least incorporated and consolidated into that of the husband: under whose wing, protection, and cover, she performs everything. Ha! There is proof I did pay attention in Law School!

So considering those two words have very different meanings imagine the pedant's smile that spread across my face when reading the following post from the same woman in response to fellow poster BoBaker27’s decision to not use couverture;

“BoBaker27 you MUST use Belgian Coverture Chocolate. It is the BEST!! My husband is just like you and says it does not really matter but what would he know I say! He does not control me!! HAHA I love Coverture”

Insert wry smile here.

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