06 March 2011

Iran threatens to boycott the 2012 Olympics

Iran's Olympic committee has threatened that Iran will boycott the 2012 London Olympics because the 2012 logo spells out the word "Zion," a biblical term widely recognized to refer to the city of Jerusalem in Israel a country Iran has a few issues with...

Here is the logo.

The logo is, allegedly, a stylised representation of the four numbers in '2012' the year the games will be held.

I don't know who is more delusional - the Iranian Olympic Committee or the committee that chose thought this logo was worthy of being used for the London Olympics...

In other news the Jerusalem Chapter of Wimmin For Gender-neutral Language have girl-cotted Iran's boycott due to the use of the oppressive paternalism 'boycott'. Their spokesperson Sandy Merkin declared "that the irrational hatred of the wimmin of Iran must be heard."

1 comment:

  1. It's weird because the logo design has been launched last 2007 but the complaint has been made just now, after 5 years?
    logo design frankston


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