"World Youth Day tourism expected to boost sex trade" is the type of headline that will always get my attention. (For those of you who are unaware,
World Youth Day is not simply a celebration for young people, but instead cleverly marketed Christian propaganda.) Unsurprisingly, the organisers of
WYD responded to this claim with “I’d be surprised if the sex industry gets a boost from a religious event.” Considering the proportion of attendees who are children that is
probably a good thing. However to suggest that because you are religious you do not engage in casual and/or mercantile sexual activities is plainly ridiculous and
I am also choosing to ignore the veritable goldmine of obvious innuendo I could glean from the combination of youth/sex/priest in this post...
But I will end the post with this rather sweet invitation from a 'Functions Manager' at a Sydney strip-club;
"We're not making any special preparations for World Youth Day,"
she said.
"But we'll keep a table reserved for the Pope."