27 June 2008

Look who's hot under the dog-collar

Organisers for the Catholic World Youth Day distributed a calendar featuring sexy priests to media outlets, news.com.au reported today.

Has the Church embraced sex as a means of redressing a decline in church attendance numbers? Presumably the church considers it has recovered from the many years of less-than-positive media featuring the words 'priest' and 'sex' in the same headline.

The calendar is not produced by the Vatican but the priests in question have 'sat' for their portraits which suggests the highly organised and bureaucratic church has given tacit approval to the involvement by the 'sexy' priests. The distribution of the calendar by World Youth Day organisers is demonstrative of this approval.

Feel free to make your own amusing captions to this portrait of a priest and a pussy. Best caption wins a glass of your favourite alcoholic beverage (consecrated wine can be arranged) next time i see you out!

24 June 2008

How Green becomes Black then Brown

Greening is a big issue in my office. It is listed on the agenda for each staff meeting. Hence our worm discussion blogged previously. As part of the greening of the office, among other initiatives, we turn the lights off in our offices when we go to a meeting or go to lunch. We also turn the lights off in the toilets when they are unoccupied. Every small bit helps!

I am usually the only male on my floor. However, a male employee from another department, has been temporarily seconded to our office. This employee is abreast of greening issues. I discovered this to my detriment just recently when, ensconced in my cubicle in the windowless toilet, the new employee zipped in, zipped down, zipped up and zipped out and turned the light off leaving me in complete darkness with my task incomplete.

One man's concern for greening quickly became another man's concern for browning...

and I don't mean Robert...

12 June 2008

But Adelaide is so easy to get around!!!

I am currently dipping in and out of George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia. This is primarily due to the fact it is June and therefore, in the Southern Hemisphere, Winter and I am pining for glorious sunny Spain. Though, to be frank, anywhere warm and European shall suffice.
My reading is bringing back wonderful memories of Spain. However the Spain of Homage to Catalonia, is more fractious and violent than the Spain I remember. Perhaps that is because the book is about the Civil War and the associated death and violence. Hmmm.
Anyway, there is a placa in Barcelona named after George and I am reminded of how amused I was to see this banner informing of surveillance cameras operating in the area.

I took the photo in 2007 not 1984. Big Brother anyone??

Crouching Woman Hidden Lodger

A Man discovered a woman secretly living in a cupboard in his apartment.

Apparently, "A Japanese man who was mystified when food kept disappearing from his kitchen, set up a hidden camera and found an unknown woman living secretly in his closet. The 57-year-old unemployed man of Fukuoka in southern Japan called police on Wednesday when the camera sent pictures to his mobile phone of an intruder in his home while he was out. Officers rushed to the house and found a 58-year-old unemployed woman hiding in an unused closet, where she had secreted a mattress and plastic drink bottles, the Asahi said. Police suspect she may have been there for several months, the paper said. "I didn't have anywhere to live," the woman told police".

As an aside... Why does the article feel the need to give the occupation of the people involved? (more specifically, in this case, the lack of occupation) The fact the Hidden Lodger is unemployed is of some relevance I admit, but the occupation of the seemingly tech-savvy unwitting landlord-cum-detective seems irrelevant. That being said, MI5 or the Kempeitai should recruit him. Or maybe not. As Confucius didn't say, "Man who not know woman living in his cupboard not know much at all."

Confucius did however say, "Never give a sword to a man who can't dance." It is completely irrelevant to this post but I think it's important to remember.

04 June 2008

Women dancing with BRUSHES - Are they doing the Nutb(r)ush?

No comment really - the title for the post says it all.
If you dare, there is more info here and on wiki.

Missionary Position, (or I don't Pope my cork for every man I meet...)

"World Youth Day tourism expected to boost sex trade" is the type of headline that will always get my attention. (For those of you who are unaware, World Youth Day is not simply a celebration for young people, but instead cleverly marketed Christian propaganda.) Unsurprisingly, the organisers of WYD responded to this claim with “I’d be surprised if the sex industry gets a boost from a religious event.” Considering the proportion of attendees who are children that is probably a good thing. However to suggest that because you are religious you do not engage in casual and/or mercantile sexual activities is plainly ridiculous and dangerous.

I am also choosing to ignore the veritable goldmine of obvious innuendo I could glean from the combination of youth/sex/priest in this post...

But I will end the post with this rather sweet invitation from a 'Functions Manager' at a Sydney strip-club;
"We're not making any special preparations for World Youth Day,"
she said.
"But we'll keep a table reserved for the Pope."


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