24 October 2008

Caption Competition # 6 Winner

Thanks for your entries people. Lots of folk have told me how much they enjoyed them.
The winner is Jono with...

"The townsfolk of Bred love being in Bred"

Special mention to Kyran for his witty debut caption. Look forward to the efforts of Kyran and everyone else next time. For now it is up to Jono to pick a location for his Winner's Drink! New caption coming soon. As well as the usual posts...

20 October 2008

Good Looking, Easy Swallowing

I have previously blogged about bizarre book titles. So imagine the sheer joy I experienced when I discovered this book on a shelf last week.

Good Looking, Easy Swallowing - Creative Catering for Modified Texture Diets

Too funny.

For those who are a little prudish I do not suggest you google 'Good Looking, Easy Swallowing' anytime soon, because, well...use your imagination. :)

08 October 2008

Caption Competition # 6

Are you feeling tired and rundown?

Not getting enough iron in your diet?

Or are merely peeved because I took so long to post a new Caption Competition. Hmmm?

Well wipe those tears away Pretty Lady 'cos the nice man is going to make it all better. Here 'tis.

Simply add a caption for this picture using the comments link below. The Winner receives the respect of their peers plus either the Hello Deli meat platter from David Letterman's The Late Show (skanky cougar platter girls optional) or a drink at some swanky bar on my coin. Your choice.

Penguin Puffin'

In my office it seems that smoking is an accepted stop-work activity. These smokers ‘need’ a smoke and therefore they pop outside for ten minutes a few times a day to have a puff. They are addicted. Well, it just so happens I am addicted to reading. I wonder if I might be able to pop downstairs for a quick ‘chapter’ a few times a day…

“Filthy habit I know. I have been meaning to quit but when I see someone else thumbing a paperback I just need a hit of text…”

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