29 October 2009

Populate or perish

I just endured a dull human resources related meeting in a drab windowless boardroom. Essentially this meeting was an exercise in humouring the Human Resources Division while attempting to justify their existence. During the meeting the convenor asked me to ‘populate’ a document. I think her intention was for me to fill the document in but with ludicrous office speech who really knows. Considering I was being asked to populate I was tempted to use Peter Costello as my inspiration and fill in one form for Mum, one form for Dad and one form for my country...

26 October 2009

Just can't bear it...

A circus bear in a Russian circus kills his trainer and the journalist writes "It is not clear what caused the attack"

Um...huge wild animal forced by trainer to wear skates and play ice hockey....yep - that seems like motivation to me...

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