09 February 2012
23 June 2011
The Mennonite Menace
I think he was arrested not only because he sent lewd messages but also because he's Amish and therefore he is not meant to use mobile phones... I have seen many a film where Amish people have been stereotyped so I can talk about this with some authority. Surely you remember "For Richer or Poorer" - it was a bit like Sister Act but without the singing...and the humour...and the box office takings...

But just how backward are the Amish these days? Apparently quite a few Amish people now have telephones, which means that your Amish friends can now be used as a phone-a-friend lifeline on Who Wants to be a Millionaire... And as you can see from the video their horse-drawn carts are quite modern (if you ignore the fact that they are drawn by horses...)
Call me old-fashioned, (or Amish which is potentially the same thing...) but I liked it when Amish people couldn't and wouldn't do things like...um...act like normal people and.... um...go online and read rubbish like this blog for example.
Read more about the Amish way of life here
26 May 2011
Metal grins are a sin.

02 May 2011
Plane speaking
"Based at Port X, the 2008 Cessna 206H craft is an invaluable resource. What you
might not know is that it’s readily available to this department and other
government departments for business solutions."
Business solutions?
I think the word they was looking for is 'flights.' The plane is available for flights. Not business solutions.
Why do people use such wank words?
05 April 2011
Tickling your fanny bone...
Fanny scratching in 18th-century London's Cock Lane was so notorious that interested bystanders often blocked the street. It became the focus of a religious controversy between Methodists and orthodox Anglicans, and was reported on by celebrities of the period such as Samuel Johnson. Charles Dickens referred to the phenomenon in several of his books, including Nicholas Nickleby and A Tale of Two Cities, and other Victorian authors also alluded to it in their work. One enterprising resident diverted the crowds that gathered in Cock Lane by allowing them to converse with a ghost he claimed was haunting his home, to which he charged an entrance fee. Fanny scratching eventually resulted in several prosecutions, and the pillorying of a father for encouraging his 11-year-old daughter to take part.
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