A Man discovered a woman secretly living in a cupboard in his apartment.
Apparently, "A Japanese man who was mystified when food kept disappearing from his kitchen, set up a hidden camera and found an unknown woman living secretly in his closet. The 57-year-old unemployed man of Fukuoka in southern Japan called police on Wednesday when the camera sent pictures to his mobile phone of an intruder in his home while he was out. Officers rushed to the house and found a 58-year-old unemployed woman hiding in an unused closet, where she had secreted a mattress and plastic drink bottles, the Asahi said. Police suspect she may have been there for several months, the paper said. "I didn't have anywhere to live," the woman told police".
As an aside... Why does the article feel the need to give the occupation of the people involved? (more specifically, in this case, the lack of occupation) The fact the Hidden Lodger is unemployed is of some relevance I admit, but the occupation of the seemingly tech-savvy unwitting landlord-cum-detective seems irrelevant. That being said, MI5 or the Kempeitai should recruit him. Or maybe not. As Confucius didn't say, "Man who not know woman living in his cupboard not know much at all."
Confucius did however say, "Never give a sword to a man who can't dance." It is completely irrelevant to this post but I think it's important to remember.
12 June 2008
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