08 August 2008

Nana's Sweater

To follow up on the post on sexual euphemisms my McSweeney friends alerted me to Ben Kharakh's list of Sexual Euphemisms That Won't Catch On which includes some euphemisms that I believe have the potential , despite Ben's assertions, to catch on! Such as...

- - - -
Going to the shop for milk
Trying on the sweater Nana sent you
Rewinding the tape before returning it
Double-bagging the trash
Compounding your percent interest annually
Lather, rinse, and repeating.

Here are some phrases I consider to be eligible for elevation to euphemistic status:

Posting the mail
Toasting the crumpet
Swimming between the flags
Flicking the switch
Parallel parking
Getting cake with your coffee

Suggestions for their potential double-meanings, and additions to the list, are welcome.
Anyway, I must go as I have to 'stack the dishwasher' if you know what I mean, wink wink.


  1. I love "Getting cake with your coffee" - thats kinda funny cos whenever i ask a girl out for coffee - I really want a slice of cake later too...Haha

    I dont think i will ever stack the dishwasher without feeling horny again...

  2. As if you have ever stacked a dishwasher!

    It has been ages since I rewound the tape without returning it....


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