06 February 2009

That's so Emo...

I do not like it when people use the phrase “That’s so gay” when referring to something that they don't like. I usually respond to the person by agreeing with them but including their own particular minority or identifying feature.

For example, “yeah I agree - That’s so Indian” or “Yeah it’s completely Greek, isn’t it?”

or perhaps, “OMG It’s totally vegetarian.”

If someone wants to say that something is lame then maybe they should subsitute gay for something that actually is lame.

eg, “That’s so suburbia”
or "That's so abstinent"
or maybe, "That's so Local Government"
or "That's so LAN party."

However, below is a photodepicting an example of where I think it is not only appropriate but necessary to say, "That's so Gay"

I am not convinced that this article, written in 2000, accurately portrays the usage of the term, especially amongst non-homosexuals


  1. maybe they are really saying 'ghey'....

    a derivation of gay meaning lame. meant to be non-offensive to individuals of a homosexual persuasion

    ....is that acceptable ?

  2. I think that comment is gay - so gay it is Indian.

    Gay has never meant lame, without being a slur.

  3. i didn't write gay though did i? i wrote ghey.

    their and there
    here and hear
    gay and ghey
    different words that sound the same

    ironically called homophones

    sounds like youre a bit homophonic !

  4. I think you will find the major difference is that ghey is not a word. It is just a re-spelling of the word gay. That makes your example distinct from, and not analagous to, their/there and here/hear etc.

  5. What if something is particularly homosexual? Like, a painting of two male lovers embracing. Then can you say "that's gay"?

    Re:ghey, that is ridiculous. Changing the spelling doesn't change the meaning. I know it's listed in the urban dictionary as a non-offensive alternative, but so is "nizzle" and I still wouldn't call a black person that because we all know what it still means and the negative implications it has on an entire group of people.

  6. your lack of laughter to my hilarious 'homophonic' joke annoys me.

    when christos sees a wrx? driving down hindley st with sub-woofers pumping and says 'thats siiick mate' - he doesnt think the car is affected with disease or ill health.
    similary if i said 'this blog is ghey' i dont mean it fancies other blogs of the same gender.

    to me it has a different meaning - like gay (meaning happy) and gay (meaning homosexual)

  7. *insert delayed laughter at homophonic 'joke' here* (happy? hehe)

    Your example is not analagous to the 'that's gay' phrase. The 'sick' in your example is an example of a word that has been used to mean the opposite of it's original meaning. eg 'sick' is agood thing here, where otherwise it would be a bad thing.

    When you say ghey/gay there is no intention to mean the opposite of gay. So your example fails.

    Feel free to try again - or you could just suck it up, take it like a man and admit you are wrong...

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtaPaQwSQPA

  9. ooh Fry and Laurie! Love that sketch. I think the fact you sent that link alleviates some of the BLAH and GRR I have feel towards you Anonymous...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I don't find bigotry funny. And no matter how you try and justify it, calling something "gay" when what you really mean is "uncool" does have negativite connotations for homosexuals and otherwise socially conscious individuals. Defending your casual bigotry by suggesting that David should have a better sense of humour about your "joke" is: "lhaim".

  12. gee dont you sound like a fun gal lauren...

    the joke was golden - there should be no argument over that

    maybe half the problem here is that people like you get so serious

    if david was offended then i'm sorry - that wasnt my intention - but i never had a go at anyone - i just tried to start an unwinable debate due to boredom

    you need to lighten up a bit love...

  13. I think that, from now on, I might use 'that's so Belfrage...'


    If you want to have more pointless debates I can assure you I am similarly bored and have time on my hands... or feel free to just send links to interesting youtube sketches!

  14. It has been brought to my attention that there are two Anonymous'. The nice Anonymous who posted re Fry and Laurie and the OTHER Anonymous.

  15. and wasnt it nice of the OTHER anonymouns to bring it to your attention

  16. *through gritted teeth*
    yeah i guess so....


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